

New challenge has excitement and anxiety.

(英語の練習) A Caterham Super Seven JPE was getting a communication error between a PC and a EMS EM-70 when write tune fuel map write to a EM-70 therefore, JPE couldn't start up. A LAN port is equipped with a green LED and an orange LED which cannot light and/or blink. EM-70's definitely got a problem. A scuttle in the JPE was removed to visually verify the status of the EM-70 LEDs. And the EM-70 removed.

Removing a scuttle of JPE

Today the EM-70 and the scuttle were reinstalled after finished business. A fumidity is very high, getting perspire tonight also. The JPE will be transferred to a familiar dealer for installing the new ECU tomorrow.

Reinstalling a scuttle of JPE