

LAKE FRONT MODEL製1/24 Caterham Super Seven BDR (その5)

LFM製 精密3Dプリントモデル 1/24 ケーターハム BDR サイクルフェンダーの試供品を手がけています。今日はエンジン部分の作業を少し進めました。



I am currently building on a prototype of the LAKE FRONT MODEL Precision 3D Printed Model, a 1/24th scale Caterham BDR with cycle wings. Today I made some progress on the engine components. Impressed by the intricacy of the printing, I've enjoyed the meticulous work with my trusty companions: reading glasses and a magnifying lamp. Looking at the alternator pulley, I can't help but think: "It could look even more realistic with a slightly more brassy tone. Next time, I plan to add 0.4mm colored wires to simulate the spark plug leads, and make the timing belt and alternator belt.